Friday, August 27, 2010

Who's the most overrated actor?

Sean Penn

Peel back the layers of this onion...if you can.. :)

If you could eliminate one thing you do each day in the bathroom so you never had to do it again, what would it be?

Taming the mane. aka Doing SOMETHING with my fro!

Peel back the layers of this onion...if you can.. :)

What was your first paying job?

Help Desk Analyst on campus at UNO (University of New Orleans)

Peel back the layers of this onion...if you can.. :)

Do you believe there's intelligent life on other planets?


Peel back the layers of this onion...if you can.. :)

If you started dating someone and found out that they have different religious beliefs (or no religious beliefs) than you and it's a belief you can't respect, what would you do?

If you started dating someone and found out that they have different religious beliefs (or no religious beliefs) than you and it's a belief you can't respect, what would you do?

Answer here

If you had to cook dinner for someone tonight, what would you make?

A trip to a nice restaurant... lol

Ask me anything

Cameraman arrested for calling cops Nazis

This is shameful... As if Standing up for your rights is Anti-American. And who knew being Anti-American can land you in jail...

Friday, August 6, 2010

Dreamland 8-6-10

bbq at freds. he left. an abundance of food. KJ showed me the money he was saving for a new bike but he owes me money. I was a bit put off cuz I needed a stack. A Lot of people showed up for the bbq. My gay friends Tiffany, Mikeisha, Magnolia PJ, and Kay came over. Keba and Zoe-G came for a plate. Then I asked her to do my hair… "::BLUR::

I remember PJ and Kay all over each other. Mikeisha came with somebody. I was playing dominoes and this cutie sat down next to me out of nowhere. I was like ok ok…tight. She hot. She was cool tho. She got up and started talking to PJ over on the couch. When I finished playing dominoes, I went to the bathroom in the bedroom. And I saw the anonymous cutie come in behind me and crawl in the bed with mikeisha’s gal and they were getting close and started kissing. shook my head and closed the bathroom door.  I came out and mikeisha was coming in. She looked, stopped looked again, turned around, her back to them, leaning on this large chest of drawers. She kinda half smiled with anger like “do you see THIS shit” I left the room. Went and got tiffany, who apparently had her own room adjacent. We went in there and never heard anybody come out but we did hear some moans under the tv noise. So Tiffany and I chilled in her room. laid on the bed. she let me play with her phone, it had Farmville on it. So I’m farming she finding shit to show me, turned on the tv. then she laid next to me…really close. I liked it…So we were doing some master flirting. spooning and watchin tv or doing otha shit. she jumped up and went to the living room. I was playing farmville again. then decided to check on the bbq. I got up there and her parents had come by. I spoke to Mr. and Mrs. Arbothnot, It’s been a Looong time. grew up on the same street. hadnt seen them since I was a kid. So we talked and laughed and they ate gooood and started mingling with the rest of the parentals. LOL. Me and Tiffany got a couple drinks and headed back to the room and went out on the balcony. We were caked up out there. We were holding each other on the balcony, neighbors walking by, some shyed away from the gay. Others smiled. Then a neighbor I know was walking with his kid. He was looking, he spoke and covered his young son’s eyes. He was still lookin and grinning tho. Tiff and I laughed. We went back inside. Started laughing and reminiscing over when we were kids… we laid back down held each other a min. I turned toward the TV, we spooned and I saw this letter propped up in front of the tv from a girl named Jordan to Tiffany. I picked it up and said what’s this? Tiffany kinda smirked. WOKE UP.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dream 8-5-10

I remember being at “home” with Michelle Obama. Me and my….boyfriend. this is new. he had many faces throughout this dream. There was some sort of press conference later that day. We appeared to have won some sort of contest to get to the white house. Michelle was sitting at a table and she told us to sit next to her. She was talking with us about many things. She gave me a book she said I would like. it was very comfortable. Then my bf left. I started reading the book and Michelle went to go take a shower. Within earshot I could hear the shower running and the door was open for the duration. I just laughed, felt good that she didnt need to be rigid around me. She came out fresh dressed in a pink suit, then she started reading her notes on the upcoming conference. She told me my bf was shopping and sent to me do the same for something to wear that evening. It was all on her. awesome. On my way to the shop. i stopped and took some pictures with my phone. Just things in nature, things of beauty. There was a sign with letter erased that was now saying something about parole. There were 2 little girls playing and making something on the sidewalk. I took a picture of their work and they wanted one shot with them and the work. they started grabbing at my cam to see the pics I just took. ::BLUR::

I ended up at the same department store at my boyfriend. He seemed to reminder me of Ray Lavender now. I was helping him pick out an outfit. We were very playful. I believe i was in love in this dream. With a Man, that disturbs me because I’ve only had 2 dreams like that in the last 8 years. We laughed over how good he looked in the fits he was trying on and just seemed happy. In a ::BLUR:: I’d lost him and found myself alone in the accessories and “other” department. This little white lady approaches me and says she want to buy me some things. She could see I needed a purse. I was very grateful. She grabbed for me a purse, a photo album. OH WAIT there was a little monitor in this department. C. E. Byrd High. I was watching it and reminiscing . Wishing I could go back…just for a visit. I had gotten myself excited. My cousin appeared and I said”Mayne I wanna go back and see what the school looking like” She said “Yeah, maybe” She and I attended all 4 years and graduated simultaneously. So thats when the old lady approached. The next thing she grabbed was a bible and told me everyone needed. I’d rolled my eyes at my cousin like “here we go with THIS”. I’m just gonna let her buy it. As we walked a little I guess toward the register I looked at this black book she put in my hand and realized it said Holy Bible Stories for Intelligent People. I was like HA!, This may be interesting. lol. ::BLUR::

The conference was underway. Michelle’s assistant had given me a small board out of her computer to hold until she needed it. This time my bf was one of my exes, the last man i ever dated. We were both tight like michael! handling some backstage biz for the Obamas. Mass confusion back there. Maybe 20 mins passes and the Barack’s assistant ran to the Michelle’s assistant screaming “The speech is gone the speech is gone”. Michelle’s asst said “no it’s not” and reached her hand out to me and I was simultaneously already pulling the chip from my purse. Like a well oiled machine. Last thing I remember is Michelle smiling at me with approval. ::BLUR::

This dream ended in water. It was just me and my man (this feels weird…) I was naked underwater…like a mermaid. We were talking and breathing. He was clothed. looking very nice in his suit, underwater. As I started to bask in the waterworld i was in, he removed his shirt. We jut writhed around in the water, nothing sexual, it was however sensual. Very enjoyable. One detail I do remember is never seeing a penis. He was indeed a merman. It was bliss for me, I reeeeeally love the water… then I woke up.

Leo Twittascope, Thursday, August 5, 2010

Leo Twittascope, Thursday, August 5, 2010

Quite accurate today!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dream 8-4-10

Someone I knew from Jr. High on facebook told me they had a crush on me. I went to her house. i remember being in a long house with a bunch of females in a bikini as I walked to the back of this house. I had a towel wrapped around my waist. They were sitting around in about the same type of gear drink pretty drinks with umbrellas. Me being shy around new people, chatted for only a sec and I headed to the back, where the bathroom was. blur.. Then someone said “Starla there are customers in the front waiting for you.” I was like oh shit. I was about to slip this dress on but it wasn’t working for some unknown reason. So one of the girls who reminds me of my exes cousin Keisha, who is like a size 0 was trying to find me clothes to borrow. i dont know what I ended up wearing to the living room. It appears I was running some kind of party and all these ladies were placing orders. blur what I was selling. cut to we (group of) lesbians decided to go somewhere we took my car (unusual). I remember saying, dont fuck up my ride at the corner store. ::BLUR::

We had been moving around a lot it seems because we ended up at my mom’s house. There were multiple cars out there. We got out..faces this time. Me, Keba, Tori, her friend and her girlfriend. I’d backed in. I started walking up the driveway and looked at my back bumper and it appeared to be decorated. Looked closer and there were paint chips and dents and a huge poster magnet of Tori’s face on the left. I was like what the fuk! So Keba was like oh hell naw, who did all this shit. Tori’s friends started to get ill with me and I got pissed. I popped the trunk and one of them threw a bag of mine spilling everything out of it. Started mass confusion. We all, except tori, started looking for the little pieces when we saw there was jewelry and electronic parts on the ground. This time my little sister, Honor was there, helping her sister, only she was maybe 8 years younger in the dream. I remember telling her to be careful not step on anything sharp. Tori just kept laughing. After that frustration, I walked into my mom’s house with them and my uncle from Cali was sitting in a video rocker…he seemed to be playing PS2…weird. the girls went to the kitchen, and I went back to my old room and there was a leather bed frame with no mattress, there was nice dim lighting and something to sleep on to the left. there was one of my laptops in propped up on a stand in this area. it was my other laptop, that I had not authorized use for so I was pissed. “Moma been using my damn laptop”  Went to my closet, which I can only assume was the reason for going there. My mom appeared and I walked right passed her. Didn’t even know what she said. Went back outside through the garage and the girls were there. I was pissed about my car, pissed about my room and Moma using my laptop, then I walked by Tori and said “Well i guess that’ll do it for your crush on me, huh” she said “Yep”. I never broke stride. Now they were no longer there but my mom was behind me walking down the driveway and we saw about 6 females walking down the street, they looked lost. They asked about a street we told’em. Then one of them fell in the storm drain. We were like oh shit…then i recognized her as me and one of the other girls were helping her out. it was my 2.5 ft friend Setta. I was like Oh Shit! We pulled her out and I said “Setta nikka your pants too long”. we laughed and my mom (Buzz Killington)of course said “Starla, that’s not nice and I woke up.

Do you know why you're here...

You better put on a helmet so it don't make a mess when I BLOW.... YA MIND!!