Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It's my Birthday

Yeah.... really it is.

Shit, I dont even feel it. I woke up this morning and my eX was ready to fight. She was determined for me to kill her. She handed me a knife told me to "do it"... repeatedly. I was trying to curl my hair for work and she was pushing me in the back and popping me on my arm...infuriating the SHYT out of me. She wanted me to snap...and I did. I sweated out my hair, my clothes, almost had an asthma attack from fighting and scuffling and arguing. It's my crib. My NEW crib at that... and she decided a long time ago that since I "acknowledged" her selfishness, she would embrace it.


The first thing I did this morning... was fight. She wanted me to kill her... I can't believe she's that selfish. I'm more suicidal than she is... and she had the GALL to try to milk me for emotion...on my birthday.... because I dont want to be iwth her anymore. And somehow, she doesn't see that THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE is the reason!! I had to fight and put a broad out my house on my birthday. She's spent the WHOLE morning talking shyt about me to her lil friends and Family (who hate her cuz she's gay) and NOW she wants my "forgiveness". Seriously??

I was there for her as much as possible...but who's there for me....

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Do you know why you're here...

You better put on a helmet so it don't make a mess when I BLOW.... YA MIND!!